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821 Wallamore Road, WALLAMORE NSW 2340

3 Bed

1 Bath

4 Car

53.20 ha

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821 Wallamore Road, WALLAMORE NSW 2340

3 Bed

1 Bath

4 Car

53.20 ha

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This 132 acres property is located approximately 12 kms from the Tamworth CBD, it offers an excellent lifestyle for a growing family. Water is supplied from Tangaratta Creek, water tanks plus a 120 ML irrigation license from a bore. The property has a comfortable three bedroom home that offers country views of the farm and there is 3 phase power to the property. The property is divided into 10 paddocks that would be ideal for the horse enthusiast or a grazing property for cattle. There are two good sized sheds for the storage of equipment and steel cattle yards with a loading ramp and crush. If you are looking for a few acres close to the CBD, phone Peel Valley Real Estate to arrange an inspection.


Built In Robes


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