2 Bed
1 Bath
10 Car
7.47 ha
2 Bed
1 Bath
10 Car
7.47 ha
Just a short drive from Tamworth this property consists of approximately 7.468 Ha / 18.45 acres that would be an ideal place for a retired couple or a person wanting to have a small hobby farm. The property offers a comfortable two bedroom transportable home with reverse cycle air-conditioning. Take a step outside and discover what this farm has to offer. There is a good water supply from a domestic and stock well plus the property has a 26 megalitre river license from the Cockburn River. There is an underground main that runs through the bottom paddock allowing you to setup to water. Other infrastructure includes two machinery / workshop sheds, steel livestock yards with loading ramp, three horse stables a round yard plus stock shelters. Interested - want to see more? Why not give me a call as I would love to show you around this one personally. Call Peel Valley Real Estate to arrange an inspection.